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Purses, backpacks, tote Patterns

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Beaded Tote Bag

Materials Needed:

F hook

Three different colors of Aunt Lydias Denim Cotton
or any other kind of cotton(sugar and cream, peaches and cream)..

A: Contrasting color

B: Contrasting color

C: Main Color
Pony Beads:one bag of pony beads matching color or a contrasting color

1 of the oblong wooden hook buttons or any kind of button that you want..

3/4 yard of material to match( If wanting your bag lined,not
sewing thread if using  for the material


Color A: and B contrasting colors
Colors C: Main

With Color A: Begining- Ch 19

Rnd 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hk and in next 16 sc, 3 sc in last ch.
Working on opposite side of chain( unused loops) sc in next 16 sc, 2
sc in last loop _ join to 1st sc = 38 sc

Rnd 2: Ch 1, sc in same sc and in next 17 sc, 3 sc in next sc, sc in
next 19 sc, 3 sc in last sc- Join to 1st sc = 43 sc

Rnd 3: Ch 1, sc in same sc and in next 17, 2 sc in next sc, sc in
next sc in next 19 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next sc, 2 sc in next
sc, Join to 1st sc = 47 sc

Rnd 4: ch 1, sc in same sc and in next 17 ** 2 sc in next sc, sc in
next sc, 3 sc in next sc, sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc,** sc in
next 18 sc Repeat from ** to ** once- Join to 1st sc = 54 sc

Rnd 5: Ch 1, sc in same sc and in next 19 sc, ** 2 sc in next sc, sc
in next sc, 3 sc in next sc, sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc, ** Sc in
next 23 sc, Repeat from ** to ** once, sc in next 2 sc- Join to 1 st
sc + 63 sc

Rnd 6: Ch 1, sc in same sc and in next 21 sc ** 2 sc in next sc, sc
in next 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc ** sc in next 27 sc, repeat from ** to
** once, sc in next 4 sc- Join to 1 st sc = 67 sc

Rnd 7: Ch 1, sc in same sc and in next 24 sc **2 sc in each of the
next 3 sc, sc in next 30 sc, 2 sc in each of the next 3 sc, sc in
next 6 sc, Join to the 1st sc= 73 sc

Rnd 8: Ch 1, sc in same sc and in next 21 sc **( 2 sc in next sc, sc
in next 3 sc) twice; 2 sc in next sc ** sc in next 28 sc, Repeat from
** to ** once, sc in next 5 sc join to 1st sc = 79 sc

Rnd 9: Ch 1, sc in same sc and in next 23 sc ** 2 sc in next sc, sc
in next 3 sc, ( 2 sc in next sc, sc in next sc) twice; 2 sc in next
sc, sc in next 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc** sc in next 28 sc, Repeat from
** to ** once, sc in next 2 sc, join to 1 st sc = 89 sc

Rnd 10: Ch 1, sc in same sc and in next 27 sc **(2 sc in next sc, sc
in next 3 sc) twice, 2 sc in next sc** sc in next 36 sc, Repeat from
** to ** once, sc in next 8 sc, Join to 1st sc = 94 sc

Rnd 11: Ch 1, sc in same sp and in next 30 sc, **(2sc in next sc,sc
in next 2 sc) twice, 2 sc in next sc** sc in next 41 sc, Repeat from
**to ** once, sc in next 10 sc, join in 1st sc = 100 sc

Rnd 12-13: Ch 1, sc in same sp, sc in each sc around, Join to 1st sc,
fasten off at end of row 13 = 100 sc

Join with color B
Ch- 1 sc in same space, In BACK LOOPS ONLY!!!!! sc in each sc around,
join to first sc.

Rnd 2- ch 1, sc in same space, sc in each sc around, Join.. Fasten off

With color C(Main color)

Rnd 3 Join with color c, ch 1 sc in same space and in each sc around.

Rnd 4 and 5: Ch 1, sc in same sp, sc in each sc around. Fasten off
after the end of rnd 5

Rnd 6: Join w/ color B, ch 1, sc in same sp, sc in each sc
around.Join, fasten off

Rnd 7: Join w/ color c, ch 1, sc in same sp, sc in each sc around,

Rnd 8 and 9: Ch 1, sc in same sp, sc in each sc around. Join, fasten

Rnd 10: Join w/ color A, ch 1, sc in same sp, sc in each sc, Join
Fasten off

Rnd 11:Join w/ color c, ch 1, sc in same sp, sc in each sc, join

Rnd 12 and 13: ch 1, sc in same sp, sc in each sc around, Join
fasten off after rnd 13

Rnd 14: Join w/ color B, ch 1, sc in same sp, sc in each sc around,
Join- fasten off

STRING 102 Beads on color C

Rnd 15: Join w/ color c, ch 1, sc in same sp, sc in each sc around,

Rnd 16: Ch 3 pull up a bead, ch 1, skip next sc, dc in next sc, pull
up a bead, ch 1, sk next sc, dc in next sc, pull up a bead, ch 1.
repeat this all around. Join

Rnd 17: ch 1, sc in same sp, sc in each sc around.

Rnd 18: Repeat Rnd 16

Rnd 19: Repeat Rnd 17

Rnd 20: Join w/ color B- ch 1, sc in same sp, sc in each st- Join

Rnd 21: Ch 1, sc in same sp, sc in each sc around, Join and fasten off

Rnd 22: Join w/ color A, ch 1, sc in same sp, sc in each sc around,
join- Fasten off

Rnd 23: Join w/ color B, ch 1, sc in same sp, sc in each sc around,

Rnd 24, ch 1, sc in same sp, sc in each sc around. Join and fasten off

Rnd 25: Join w/ color C,(with 102 beads strung) ch 1, sc in same sp,
sc in each sc around. Join

Rnd 26: Ch 3 pull up a bead, ch 1, skip next sc, dc in next sc, pull
up a bead, ch 1, sk next sc, dc in next sc, pull up a bead, ch 1.
repeat this all around. Join

Rnd 27: Ch 1, sc in same sp, sc in eac sc around

Rnd 28: repeat rnd 26

Rnd 29: repeat rnd 27 fasten off

Rnd 30: Join w/color B- ch 1, sc in same sp, sc in each st, Join

Rnd 31: ch 1, sc in same sp, sc in each sc around, Join and fasten off

Rnd 32: Join w/ color A, ch 1, sc in same sp, sc in each sc around,
Join and fasten off

Rnd 33: Join with color B, sc in same sp, sc in each sc around, Join

Rnd 34: ch 1, sc in same sp, sc in each sc around. Join and fasten off

Rnd 35:Join w/ color C,(with 102 beads strung) ch 1, sc in same sp,
sc in each sc around. Join

Rnd 36: Ch 3 pull up a bead, ch 1, skip next sc, dc in next sc, pull
up a bead, ch 1, sk next sc, dc in next sc, pull up a bead, ch 1.
repeat this all around. Join

Rnd 37: Ch 1, sc in same sp, sc in eac sc around

Rnd 38: Repeat rnd 36

Rnd 39: Repeat rnd 37 fasten off at the end

Rnd 40: Join w/color B ch 1, sc in same sp, sc in each sp around.Join
and fasten off

Rnd 41: Join w/ color C, ch 1, sc in same sp, sc in each sp around,
Join and fasten off

Rnd 42: Join w/ color A, ch 1, sc in each sc around, join and fasten

Rnd 43: Repeat round 41

Rnd 44: Repeat round 40

Rnd 45: Join w/ color C, ch 1, sc in each sc around, join

Rnd 46: ch 1, sc in each sc around, Join and fasten off

Rnd 47: Join w/ color B ch 1, sc in first 3 sc, sc in back loops only
in the next 34 sc, sc in rest of the stitches around, Join

Rnd 48: ch 3, dc in same sp, skip next sc, 2 dc in next sc, repeat

Rnd 49 ch 1, sc in same sp, sc in each sc around, Join. fasten off

For the flap:

Rnd 1: on row 47 of the front loops Join w/ color B, ch 1, sc in
each st, turn

Rnd 2: Ch 3, yo, draw up loop in same stitch, YO, draw up loop in
next st( 5 loop on hook) YO and draw through 3 loops on hook(twice)
this is called a Forked cluster (FC)
FC in same sc as last FC worked and in next sc. Repeat this to end,

Rnd 3-10 Repeat rnd 2 with the forked clusters. By the time you are

at round 10 you will have a total of19 FC's
Fasten off

With color C join at the beginning of the flap on the bag. 2 sc in each st around. 1 sc on the last row of the flap(the sc). do this all around. Join to bag and fasten off.. find middle of the flap and join with color C, ch 1, sc in same sp, 10 sc join to the same st on the flap, than sl st in each ch and join to the flap, fasten off..

For tie: take all three colors and make a long chain to desire length( remember this has to be long enough to weave in and out and to be able to tie..

Take it and weave in and out thru the dc on row 48 of bag..

For shoulder strap style:

If you want a over the shoulder strap, you will go and join with color B 2 sc over from the begining of the flap on the last row of the bag, sc in 10 sc, ch 1, turn , sc in each sc, ch 1, turn

dc in the next row, ch 3, turn, sc in next row, ch 1, turn repeat this around for half the length(to desire length of strap) fasten off

repeat and do the same on the other side of the bag to the same length. Sl st the two straps together to form one..

For Back Pack Style:

If you want a back pack style bag you would look on the back side of the bag, the row that you joined the flap and count 10sc from the beginning edge of the flap and the bag.. Join with color B sc in 15 sc, ch 1, turn

sc in each sc, ch 1 turn

repeat for 5 rows

than you will go and sc in in the first 6 sc, ch 1 turn

continue this one part of strap to desire length and than join at the bottom in desire spot on the front loops of the bottom. fasten off

repeat this on the other part of strap..

Sew your button on the bag in the middle

Line bag


Questions or comments?
Contact Cathey Elrod
Owner and Designer
